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Friday, January 2, 2009

What Did You Think Fox Viewers Would Do

The last channel that I would want to watch on NYE would be Fox"News". I shudder to think at how they would use the closing of a calender year to hype the latest Republican in the news or further burnish the excessively poor Bush administration.

Fox did something this year that got the viewers involved.

Not a new tactic to be employed by a network, Fox allowed viewers to send messages that would then be scrolled across the screen.

Guess what somebody sent:

Throughout last night’s New Year’s eve broadcast, Fox News Channel allowed viewers to send in New Year’s greetings and wishes via text message. The messages were then scrolled across the bottom of the screen, replacing Fox’s normal crawling news headlines. While most messages were cordial, Fox allowed at least one racist message directed toward President-elect Obama to be broadcast.

Via Think Progress

It's not just the fact that someone sent the message, it's that it was entered into the "crawl" with seemingly no problem. So, is it reasonable to assume that any message could have gotten through?

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