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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Taxation And Right-Wing Misrepresentation

Perhaps it's a bizarre form of punishment - reading over right-wing blogs early in the morning before going to work.

Part of my daily routine is glancing over the latest bit of self-preening nonsense from people like Michelle Malkin, the dueling doofuses at Powerline, or the swirling Marsh Of Doom that is Free Republic.

Often I find predictabilities that don't really warrant a response.

Today was different. Today, Michelle Malkin decided to let her readers know that she knows ALL about taxes, tax preperation, and Tim Geithner:

They were just honest mistakes, really.

And I’m sure the Obama IRS would be as charitable with you or me as Team Obama is being with Timothy Geithner if we used the same explanation for failing to pay self-employment taxes

Yep, jumping in headlong right from the starting gun with the "if" meme. What was that book Ann Coulter just wrote about "victimhood"? I'm starting to think that Malkin is perpetually in that realm.

Then there's the harp about Geithner's hired help:

Oh, wait. There’s more. Geithner somehow overlooked the fact that his immigrant housekeeper’s work authorization papers had expired. Ghost of Zoe Baird:

Oh, she mentions Baird, but leaves off any trace of names like Linda Chavez, or even Mitt Romney.

As far as Geithner's Tax "problem", it became ( and still is ) such a frequent mistake, that the IRS has a solution.

While tax experts will expound on this - at great length - it matters not to people like Malkin. She simply sees the irony - and I suppose it is - in Tim Geithner owing taxes. But, least we forget, another, more well known, politician recently had "tax problems" of their own.

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