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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Predictability At Its Most Predictable

Michelle Malkin just can't seem to keep from calling people racist, or race baiters, or claim that someone is using racially divisive language. She's pretty much like Sean Hannity, but has to spend more time in the make-up chair in the morning.

She speaks of Rev. Lowry's benediction at the inauguration:

Lowery got big cheers when he weaved in a weird prayer rap expressing his hope for a future in which the “brown would stick around,” the “yellow would be mellow,” the “red man would get ahead, man,” and the “white would embrace the right.”

The “white would embrace the right?”

Who wrote that line? Jeremiah Wright? And what would Obama’s grandparents and mother have to say?

The actual line was "and white would embrace what is right"

But Malkin couldn't stop there, you know:

A reader points to this old civil rights chant that adds context to Lowery’s remarks — but makes the jab against whites all the more egregious:

Michelle and her frothy throngs wouldn't be satisfied unless they took two items that aren't related to one another and place them side by side and claim that this represents "context". Will they ever learn?

Here's the video.

It was a humorous and relevant end to a prayer that bookended an inauguration that showed that people of all races, colors, and creeds can come together in common purpose.

The winger's hay lofts are quite full this evening.

That aside, have a listen at the crowds response call of "AMEN".


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