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Monday, August 25, 2008

Ridiculousness In Advertising

For people that aren't able to see that you can't compare two opposites to try and validate your reasoning, this type of advertising works.

The ad targets CNN and the claim that Fox"News" is somehow more "fair" more "balanced" than them or any other news organization.

Fox lives by the creed that if you repeat a falsehood loud enough and long enough - and with fancier graphics than the competition - then you are obviously telling the truth.

The ultimate folly of the claim laid-out in this ad is that "because" their audience is divided up more "evenly" than CNN, that THAT alone means that their "coverage" follows along explicitly with their "fair and balanced" claim.

Much in the way that Bill O'Reilly consistantly refers to his ratings as the penultimate validation that he operates a a show that his "honest" and allows "no-spin", this ad is nothing but laughable.

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