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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Killer Read Books By Hannity, O'Reilly, and Savage

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.


So, I find myself in that precarious position in which I'm ready to say that this man's inability to function on a basic level with the rest of us was severely compromised by what he read.

The reason that this could even be considered "precarious" is that should anyone of conservative ideology wish to refute my arguement, all they would have to say is, "well, don't you think rap music causes violence. What about violent movies?"

But, that's where the distinction between "reality" and "fantasy" are quite clear.

In movies and music, we see a storyline, a person, a situation created for entertainment purposes. It isn't real. It may be based on actual events, but it is not presented as "this is real".

In the books by Hannity, or Savage, or Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or whomever on the "right", we see them defining an "enemy" that is present. They claim that their books, their television programs, their radio shows, are based on solid, verifiable facts. They clearly lay out who these "enemies" of America are:


People in San Fransisco






the list goes on.

These are real people, in a real world that we all live in.

Tyler Durden from Fight Club isn't real.

The characters in a rap song that deal drugs and kill aren't real.

Juno isn't real.

They may be manifestations, an amalgam of various people, of characteristic, but they aren't real.

So, if asked if I think that these books helped make Adkisson attack and kill those people in Knoxville, my answer would be a resounding "yes".

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