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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Some Thoughts For Your Morning

- why is it that conservatives and Fox"News" believe they should be taken seriously. For virtually the full 2 years Obama was campaigning for the Presidency - and ramping it up to full speed once they realize that their man McCain had absolutely NO CHANCE at winning - they have do nothing in the way of showing that they are either "fair" or "balanced", let alone both at the same time. So, when their bluff is called and it's time to show their cards, they resort to saying that Obama is a "whiner" or that he's too scared to come on Fox. My question is this, if there was someone that was consistantly trying to destroy you, your family, and your career, and one day they asked you to come to dinner and have a chat, would you do it?

- Likely a message left by irrate "tea-baggers", the new style of anti-Obama rhetoric must be vandalism and Nazi imagry all rolled into one. The later served absolutely no purpose during the failed 8 years of the Bush administration and that fact hasn't changed since. The only thing that has is that now conservatives think it's alright, since the some reactionary members of the other side did it before.

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