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Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin Due To Get That Soothing Fox"News" Treatment

It appears that Sean Hannity has landed the second interview with Republican VP Nominee Sarah Palin.

One has to wonder what went through the minds of Fox executives, producers, and show hosts when it was revealed that no one at their network got the coveted first interview.

Perhaps the McCain campaign - and those that were attempting to re-program Mrs. Palin in order for her to stay on-message with the remainder of the campaign and all the speaking engagements remaining until election day - thought that Charlie Gibson and ABC would give a fairly even-handed chance to her.

Well, it appears that Gibson didn't do what the McCain crew wanted. As evidenced in a previous blog here, there are quite a few diappointed conservative pundits and bloggers.

But, now Sean Hannity's on the case.

Hannity's already voiced his displeasure with the Gibson/ABC interview. Most notably, he seems to have a problem with someone who is claiming hold firm to conservative, Republican views ( foreign policy, social issues, religion, etc ). Sean didn't like the fact that she was asked if she agreed with the "Bush Doctrine"
He called the reporting of Mrs. Palin's obvious ignorance to the "Doctrine" and her skirting of her "God's plan in Iraq" statements "totally misconstrued" and - you guessed it - "out of context"

I'm thinking about writing a book on conservatives and calling it "Out Of Context".

Wonder what Hannity is going to talk to her about?

According to Fox, “an array of topics will be discussed in the interview including being the vice presidential nominee, her role in the McCain campaign, Iraq and foreign policy, amongst others.”

When O'Reilly interviewed Obama, he came off as nothing more than an overbearing, pompus, prick - but Obama held his own.

When travelling into the loving confines of Fox"News" a Republican will find no question too difficult, no setting to obtuse, no situation uncomfortable. Sarah Palin is in for a fantastic ego massage as Hannity is sure to provide as much predictable suplication as her little heart desires.

The only people that will see this as an actual interview are the people that are going to vote Republican no matter who is on the ticket.

But, just to keep this all in perspective, here's some of Charlie Gibson's interview with Palin:

It will be interesting to see Hannity's interview side-by-side with Gibson's.

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