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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Know Who You're Talking About.

Of course, what else would yo uexpect "conservatvie-Barbie" to say:

Cindy came into our hair and makeup room, fresh as can be, and unlike another wife of a political candidate who shall remain nameless, she didn't come with a list of topics that we weren't allowed to touch. Nope, that's because she has nothing to hide."

Really? Cindy McCain has nothing to hide?

If you had seen the interview The View ladies had done with Michelle Obama, you would have seen the ladies treated with respect and dignity. Elizabeth seemed more than pleased that Michelle was on the program.

Any that saw this should have assumed, and rightly, that Elizabeth's pleasure with that day was all just an act.

So, with Hasslebeck's true feelings on Michelle Obama - and considering that there are three other women that sit at that table that can back this story up if it is ture - let's ask her to show us the list.

Seriously, though, it's becoming more and more apparent that Hasslebeck's knowledge of "the issues of the moment" extend only as far as the predictable clap-trap that she hears from her buddy Sean Hannity.

If in fact there was a "list" provided to the ladies from Michelle Obama, it probably addressed not talking about subjects that have no bearing on the election - like whether or not her husband was patriotic enough, or his flag-pin, or if he was ever a muslim.

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