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Friday, September 19, 2008

A Pinch Of Hackers - A Dash Of Campaign Fever - And A Cup Of Limbaugh = Republican Red Meat Stew

First of, Palin is not a unique example of someone having their personal - and possibly private - information appropriated.

If you'll recall, Clinton, Obama, and McCain had their passport information leaked.

By it's very nature - and keep in mind this is just an opinion from someone who is not necessarily as tech-savvy as they should be - hacking is something that can either be a harmless prank or a life-destroying act of maliciousness.

I haven't seen the alleged Palin emails ( yet ) but I have read more than a few conservative blogs that are treating this like it's something that has never happened before.

Enter Rush Limbaugh.

He takes it in the direction that only a man like him could take it.

That's right, it was the Obama campaign that did this

*cue dramatic music*

Here's something interesting to chew on this morning.

Why was Governor Palin using a public email account to conduct government business?

Why was she, much like the Bush administration, unwilling to cooperate and release emails in relation to the "Troopergate" investigation?

Could there be a connection there? Possibly.

Regardless of who did it or why it was done, it is something that should not be "snorted at" in the least.

Even though some are saying that it is Sarah Palin's fault that her emails were compromised, this isn't so. It isn't so much fault as it was poor judgement on her part to not use a secure, government, email system.

While I am not agreeing with what the hacker(s) have allegedly done, I am not about to accuse the McCain campaign of this. That's more the Republican's style of doing things.

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