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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebrating The Mediocre And Predictable

Ed Morrissey @ HotAir has a write-up of a brief interaction that Sarah Palin had with "the press" in NYC at ground-zero.

While Morrissey easily recognizes the simplistic nature of the questions asked of her, he then takes a massive leap in associating what Ronald Reagan did with regards to press coverage and what Palin is doing and what she should continue doing.

Some say that Reagan took a different approach in bypassing the media to talk to the American voters directly. That’s true, but Reagan actually used the media to accomplish that. He talked to everyone, tangled with reporters at pressers, and skillfully used those opportunities to lift his voice past the media. He didn’t sequester himself from the media during any part of his remarkable political career, but mastered them instead.

Let Palin be Palin. Since Biden insists on setting the bar ever lower, she can hardly fail, and she may turn into quite a good communicator herself.

So, according to Morrissey, Palin doesn't have to use the media. She can be as unwilling to communicate as she wants, or she can field all the easy questions her little heart desires. He is framing this as if the onus in on Biden to step up his ability to effectively use the press.

Palin, if you're looking for the truth, is nothing more than a "yes-woman".

Morrissey doesn't seem to understand that being a "yes" person doesn't help America, at all.

Biden's job is to challenge Obama, to make him think on multiple levels.

Palin's job is to just look cute and tell everyone that McCain can do no wrong.

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