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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karl Rove vs. The New York Times : Hypocrisy in Action

Apparently, that greasy paint-load that is Karl Rove is upset with the NewYork Times about a story they did about a CIA agent that questioned Khalid Shaikh Mohammed - the alleged September 11th mastermind.

They pure comedy that rests within this righteous indignation is the fact that Rove is seated in the middle of the Valerie Plame Affair. Sure, there are other ancillary characters in the story that are just as much to blame ( ie - Richard Armitage, Robert Novak, "Scooter Libby", and more than likely Dick Cheney ).

Nevermind that the agent mentioned by The Times was never 'udnercover' and had been mentioned in other articles and books. The Times explained that this was a 'judgement call' and provided 'completeness' to the story.

This is all just more standard fodder for the conservative movement. George W. Bush doesn't like the Times so - in turn - all his little droogies have to hate the Times as well. It's all just a game of 'follow-the-leader' on a mass scale.

Here's Rove's discussion on the topic with that self-described 'humble-correspondant' himself - Bill O'Reilly:

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