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Monday, October 6, 2008

So, Only Fox"News' Can Make Jokes?

Canadian opinion columist Heather Mallick drew fire from Greta Van Susteren and Fox"News" when she made some comments about Sarah Palin:

Heather Mallick, an opinion columnist for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Web site, is known for her use of humorous exaggeration. But last week after removing a column by Ms. Mallick, which said that Gov. Sarah Palin has “a toned-down version of the porn actress look” and suggested that Republican men were sexually inadequate, the government-owned CBC ruled that its opinion writers had to stick to the facts even when they were joking around.

Although the broadcaster’s Web site,, has relatively few readers in the United States, Ms. Mallick’s comments became an issue last month on the Fox News Channel, which, because of Canadian cable TV rules that limit its distribution, has relatively few viewers in Canada. Greta Van Susteren, the host of “On the Record,” condemned the column as “beyond vicious” and repeatedly referred to Ms. Mallick as “a pig.” A right-of-center columnist for The National Post, of Toronto, also criticized the column.

Apparently, Greata and Fox still can figure out that people like Mallick are hired for their "opinions" and that's why they are printed in the "opinion" section. Most papers have multiple viewpoints on the "opinion" page, that's why it's named that.

However, no one should have an opinion that goes against Fox. And they'll spend as much time as they like claiming that any opposing viewpoint is wrong.

Mallick went on to state

“My problem is that I have to write with a certain kind of reader in mind, and that person is always going to be my vision of an intelligent Canadian,” Ms. Mallick said. “I don’t write for Fox viewers.”

More here

The only part of this particular situation that is worse is that CBC's ombudsman, Vince Carlton, seems to be caving to Fox:

In his report, Mr. Carlin said that after the column had been mentioned in at least three Fox News broadcasts, his office and Ms. Mallick had “received an alarming number of truly vicious and vituperative messages.”

Mr. Carlin said that parts of the column broke internal CBC News guidelines requiring that “even in a work of opinion, facts should be respected and arguments should reasonably flow from these facts.”

Interesting, that people like Limbaugh can talk about "Barack The Magic Negro", Hannity can use racial devisive language on a weekly basis, and O'Reilly talk about his wonderment that a "black" restaraunt is just like any other restarautn, and can get away with it. Oh, that's right, they all AGREE with any and everything that Fox is about.

This is not Mallick's first brush with Fox"News". She discussed a potential "boycott" of Canada with O'Reilly back in 2004 and assured him that America would never do such a thing:

O'REILLY: Now if the [Canadian] government -- if your government harbors these two deserter [sic], doesn't send them back ... there will be a boycott of your country which will hurt your country enormously. France is now feeling that sting.

MALLICK: I don't think for a moment such a boycott would take place because we are your biggest trading partners.

O'REILLY: No, it will take place, madam. In France ...

MALLICK: I don't think that your French boycott has done too well ...

O'REILLY: ...they've lost billions of dollars in France according to "The Paris Business Review."

MALLICK: I think that's nonsense.

The problem with Fox, is that they are crazy enough to spend as much time and money as they can to go after any decenting voices.


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