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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Zeigler's Flacid Thesis

I'm starting to wonder what John Zeigler's "documentary" is about.

Norah O'Donnell appears to understand that Ziegler is more than just a rank amateur - he's a pretty clear example of the lunatic Right's pathetic nature. She even refused to acknowledge Zeigler's claim that Norah was rewarded for allegedly stating something about Palin that wasn't true.

We all know that Palin had a penchant for drawing equivalency between Barack Obama and terrorists. That was Norah's point, which Zeigler more than likely knows. It simply just doesn't fit into his flacid thesis about the media.

The one part of this interview that really stands out is Zeigler's assertion that show like Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, or Colbert, are used as "news sources" - or that people with whom he is directing his pathetic rage at are looking to John Stewart or Tina Fey as news sources.

Zeigler makes somewhat of a point, and then turns right around and casts it aside, of the line between entertainment and honest reporting.

The reason that shows like The Daily Show or Colbert are successful, that they connect so well with their audience, is that you have to be able to understand what they are talking about. You have to know the news before you get to those programs.

And did you catch where Zeigler said "poll after poll show that more people get their news from comedy shows"? Wonder which polls he is refering too?

Oh, that's right. Those polls don't exist.

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