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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rush Limbaugh Has Officially Left The Human Race

Is there any other proof needed to show that the seething mass of flesh and cholesterol known as rush Limbaugh is not only racist, but completely insane? Well, in case you do need some, take a listen to this:

More here from John Amato @ C&L.

It takes a special kind of crazy to attempt to link three completely seperate things ( in this case Ayres, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, and Barack Obama ) to come up with a conspiracy theory where Limbaugh is practically screaming "the n*****s are gonna take over!"

Granted, he didn't use those exact words, but it's blatantly apparent what he means.

But, let's put that crackpot notion aside.

One has to ask the question - does Rush Limbaugh not realize that some people are born into an environment that doesn't allow them to flourish, to prosper?

True, he has been able to be a success as a purveyor of hate, division, greed, and paranoid-patriotism. But, one would have to ask why someone would want that?

Also, what do we use to measure "success"?

To many, success is not the amount of money you have in your bank account, how many cars you own, how expansive your home is. To some, success is having a job that makes you feel satisfied at the end of the day, having a family, or creating something.

Clearly, Limbaugh is afraid of something. He is afraid of the notion that there just might be an element to this country that doesn't let certain people, not just African Americans, advance.

Limbaugh isn't so much concerned with finding out why some in America - be they black, asian, latino, any race - aren't able to remove further themselves. He isn't concerned with finding a solution to the problems. To him, there is no "problem" except "them". American, or at least the imaginary version of America that Rush believes he rules over, is perfect in his eyes. The only thing "wrong" with America are people that are "different". In this case, it's the African Americans. It's people that see the glass as half-empty. It's people that don't buy into his pathetic theories that say Republicans are always correct and anyone else is out to destroy you, your family, take your job, rape your daughters, and steal your money.

Limbaugh isn't just racist, he's insane.

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