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Monday, November 10, 2008

Sarah Thinks It's Not Her Fault

Nevermind the investigation into the firing of people who were "mean" to your family - typically labeled as Troopergate, the per diem expenses to take the kids everywhere, the money charged to stay in her own home, the money the campaign spent on her ( and her family ) for clothes, the allegations that there are "pro" and "anti-American" cities and towns, and the all-around ignorance that she displayed on an almost daily basis. The Republican loss can be blamed on one person and one person only - George W. Bush.

Oh, really?!?!


Gov. Sarah Palin blames the Bush administration for the failure of the McCain-Palin ticket, thinks people need to move on from the so-called "Troopergate" controversy and has no regrets about state per diem for time spent at her home in Wasilla or state-funded travel for her children.

Palin also said she loved her time in the national spotlight and won't rule out a run for president or vice president in 2012.

While all the national attention that Palin drew might be good in her eyes, it's a sure signifier that her chances at a successful 2012 bid are as much of a pipe-dream as my next screenplay being accepted and directed by Ridley Scott.

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