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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Frivolity Of The Modern GOP

You know, this "birther" nonsense got out of hand long ago, but Congressman Trent Franks ( R - AZ ) seems to want to take it one step further.

The other main issue dealt with numerous speakers questioning Obama's birth certificate and why there wasn't an investigation into whether he is a naturalized citizen. One woman said a newspaper announcement of his birth in Hawaii was not sufficient. Another asked how he could have a passport without a birth certificate.

Franks said there was not enough evidence that Obama is not an American citizen. He did say there was a lot of conflicting evidence of Obama's citizenship and that he was considering filing a lawsuit, the only congressman to do so. Franks asked why the president did not simply produce a birth certificate.

More from The Mohave Daily News.

Who is this man representing?

We've come a long way from the poorly disguised notion of the "concern American citizen", lept headlong into blantatly racist rhetoric, and now we are actually on the verge of having an elected official file a lawsuit against the President. To satisfy whom?

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