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Monday, December 6, 2010

Redefining The Enemy

While most of us are looking at the WikiLeaks document dumps as nothing more than affirmations of what we already thought, conservatives are using them to create a new definition of who our enemy is.

Enter Newt.

It's a rather difficult situation to deal with, on a variety of levels. While Newt, and many like him, think that the Obama administration should easily be able to shut down WikiLeaks, they showcase their complete ignorance of not only the internet - something that they have been doing a great deal of - but of how Americans can legally go after people that distribute leaked information in favor of going after those that actually leaked the information.

So if conservative swallow whole this new narrative that Assange is an "enemy combatant" ( read: terrorist ) then does that mean that Sweden is now a haven for terrorists, as PRQ - an internet company based there - is the current host of the website? What of the others within WikiLeaks ranks? After all, Assange is simply a spokesperson. Are conservative more concerned with making an example of a single person or are they truly wanting to shut WikiLeaks down for good? But that begs the question, is there something they fear will come to light that will hurt their image?

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