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Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Face Of Indoctrination : A Continued Series

So now this sort of thing is acceptable to conservatives?

A biography of the former Alaska governor and self-described "mama grizzly" is set for release in September by Christian book publisher Zondervan.

"Speaking Up: The Sarah Palin Story," is one in a series of biographies aimed at 9- to 12-year-old readers. Others feature 2007 Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and U2 frontman Bono.

Kathleen Kerr, an acquisitions editor for Zondervan's Zonderkidz division, said the subjects are prominent figures who children hear about in the news and role models for tweens who are "working for the betterment of the world in which we live and who are motivated primarily by their Christian faith."

Or what about this, even more blatant, form of indoctrination by a conservative icon...

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Granted, the book isn't written by Palin - I known you're shocked - but the message is still the same, target students in an effort to rewrite even recent history in order to continue to frame a consistently false and misleading narrative.

Anyone remember the optional video speech that Obama was to give to students? Yeah, you remember the is got from prominent conservative.

Here's Michelle Malkin, in all her purse-lipped faux rage.

The activist tradition of government schools using students as junior lobbyists cannot be ignored. Zealous teacher's unions have enlisted captive schoolchildren as letter-writers in their campaigns for higher education spending. Out-of-control activists have enlisted their secondary-school charges in pro-illegal immigration protests, gay marriage ceremonies, environmental propaganda stunts, and anti-war events.

There was even a call to keep children at home on that day, fearing that a message of working hard, studying, and bettering yourself would somehow turn all the kids in public schools into brainless automatons. From my point of view, the standardized testing mandated by No Child Left Behind has already done enough damage in that regard.

Conservatives have a long and well-recorded timeline of distorting and destroying history. We haven't seen this type of push to re-write who and what our country ever - at least not in my lifetime. We won't see Beck challenged when he makes specious claims regarding FDR. We will never hear parents' concern over a book that is geared towards pre-teens that has a clearly established religious bent. We won't hear these challenges from conservatives because they actually favor indoctrination, because the world that they live in isn't the "real America". There's is a fantasy world where they are the perpetual victims of bias, intimidation, and smears. So to compensate for their inability to see this nation for what it is, what it was, and what is truly should be, they must project their own failings upon everyone else.

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