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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Media Stunts

Greta is just following her pre-program script

Did you catch the part where she mention who the government, leading up to the crisis, didn't protect people? Know who was sitting in the Oval Office then? I know I do.

Greta is a rather peculiar creature on Fox"News", as she's designed to portray balance to the network ( even though she and her husband were notorious, serial, stalkers of Sarah Palin ) but is in a time slot where most people aren't really paying attention to the news. I see her program as background noise for most Fox viewers while they are getting ready to go to bed - save maybe those on the West Coast.

But my question is really this - why is Fox trying to protect those that were key players in the economic rape of this country? I suppose that one could say that greed is a motivator, but it's more than likely the promotion and advocation of ignorance that is more in play in this regard. After all, keeping your audience enamoured with red-meat conjecture rather than fact-based analysis does tend to hold the attention of the modern conservative.

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