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Monday, February 1, 2010

A Bankers Best Friend

It's no secret that financial institutes love a conservative candidate, as they are normally very vocal in their position on regulating them - meaning they just don't. Conservatives massive deregulation of the financial sector played more than just a supporting roll in the economic downturn.

And guess who gave money to Scott Brown's campaign? A LOT of money...

The donations, from hundreds of financial executives, far exceeded what Brown received from doctors and others in the health care industry in the final days of the campaign. While Brown saw donations from all quarters explode in mid-January, as polls showed him closing fast on opponent Martha Coakley, the donations from financial workers coincided with several key developments that would affect their companies.

And now banks can throw as much money to a candidate as they want, since the SCOTUS decided that money is speech and corporations are people. But as I've stated before, this won't always play out in the favor of conservative Republican candidates, as the donor will be listed on any and all campaign material they finance. But the question is - will the voters care? They should.

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