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Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Thoughts For Your Day

- The conservative Right has always confused ranting, raving, and shouting with rational discourse. They can never confront those that oppose them with even a marginal sense of honesty. The Franken Rape Amendment is a classic example of this. It's also worth noting that that, when confronted by people that have lived through the horror of rape, that conservatives are more than willing to lie and dodge the question in order to make their case.

- Why does this remind me of Oliver North's trial from the late 80s. Learning that Cheney apparently can't recall rather important information regarding an issue he was intimately involved in makes one realize that his memory skills in regards to his time as Vice President, in all aspects of his job duties, are suspect as well.

- Why do conservatives continually rally around Sarah Palin every time she makes some grand proclamation? What has this woman accomplished that would lead anyone of even rudementary intelligence to accept that she knows what she's talking about?

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