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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Coveted Oprah Interview

It's been confirmed today that Sarah Palin will be appearing on Oprah's talk-show next month to coincide with the release of the book that has Palin's name and picture on the cover - as I refuse to call it her book because she didn't write a damn word in it.

But let's look at this from a variety of perspectives.

Here's Oprah obviously deciding to make this happen because it will be a ratings winner. And that's what all simular television personalities care for - ratings. So what other reason is there? Does Oprah honestly care for what Palin has to say? Considering the former VP candidates inflammatory rhetoric directed toward Obama during the final months of the campaign, and that Oprah was a very vocal very open proponent of Obama, I think it's safe to say that there really isn't any love lost between the two - as their likely never was any.

But what about Palin's position on this? What's her angle? Why Oprah? Considering Palin's vocal opposition to all media not owned by Rupert Murdock, as well as her experiences in being posed with legitimate questions and her abject failure at answering those, this really doens't add up.

I'm fully prepared for her and her mouth-agape followers @ Fox"News" to claim that this was an ambush interview and that Oprah had some agenda to push if Palin even remotely comes off poorly in the process.

Are the questions pre-screened? This wouldn't suprise me.

What of Oprah's primarily female audience? How many of them are honestly looking forward to hearing from Palin? She's not exactly a shining example of what makes the American female experience great. She was, after all, being used as nothing but a tool by the conservative establishment during the election.

I guess we'll find out next month.

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