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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Thoughts For Your Morning

- It's never been surprising to me that conservatives favor discrimination and often full-throated racism. But when a black man actually defends these actions, then that's when you have to start asking yourself "how is this possible".

- After hearing about this private meeting that Obama had with Republican Senators on NPR yesterday, I was fully prepared for one or more of the Republican "leaders" to talk about how Obama was this "angry black man". Didn't take too long for them to get pretty close to that description, as Senator Bob Corker claimed the exchange was "testy" during the NPR segment. It seems clear to me that Republicans ( whether they be elected officials or not ) have a difficult time distinguishing anger from constructive criticism.

- Conservative love Chris Christie. From his standpoint on public school teachers, this doesn't surprise me. But what gets me is his gimmicky nature, his willingness to create this gangster persona, and how he appears to want to take the state of New Jersey in the same direction that came pretty close to killing Colorado Springs.

- Again, the xenophobic and racist nature of the modern GOP comes out. It seems that they think only white Americans born in the US are "patriotic". This has been a key talking point with Republicans since Obama took office last year - that they ( white Republicans that is ) are somehow more patriotic than anyone else in this country. Guess they've never met any non-whites that have served in the military or the families of those that have died protecting the very freedom that allows them to be so insatiably stupid.

- Most everyone within the conservative realm are really wanting Obama to screw up in some fashion that will allow them to crow like Peter Pan on crystal meth for the next few years. Even if there are dead people, animals, and destroyed eco-systems, I think it's a safe bet that there are even conservatives praying to God that Obama fails in regards to the BP oil spill. But contrary to their talking points, the Obama administration has been doing more then most people realize.

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