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Monday, May 10, 2010

Some Thoughts For Your Morning

- Holy Joe Lieberman did his best to try and align himself with Republicans ( as always ) in claiming that "the system" somehow failed after the botched attempt for Shahzad to set off a car bomb. In truth, the only thing that failed was the car bomb. But while some will boast that Shahzad was not caught prior to him boarding the plane, it should be noted that he was captured before the plane took off. It was a close one, but "the system" worked - period.

- Michelle Malkin is already creating a proto-typical profile of Elena Kagan as her SCOTUS nomination will be announced within the next few hours. From my perspective, Malkin's words echo what her and many other reactionary conservatives had to say about Obama once he made it known he would run for President. The caveat to this is that I would like to do a little more digging into her alleged ties to Goldman Sachs. Considering that Malkin brings this up as a keystone to her thesis, I'm guessing that Kagan was nothing more than an ancillary character and her ties will be inflated to supporting-actor status.

- It's amazing how the selective nature of conservatives often leads them to do an say incredibly stupid things. In another example of how Liz Cheney is completely devoid of intellectual honesty and rule of law in America. If Shahzad had not been read his Miranda Rights, any information that he gave over to law enforcement officials could have been thrown out on a technicality. Way to go Liz.

- One of the hotter topics on conservative blogs this morning are comments made by Obama about how entertainment and information are being blurred in America. And while it can be rather easy to take these comments out of context, I would have liked to have heard him state that with more people fact-checking ( that would be progressives/liberals doing the bulk of that ) it's much easier to parse statements and pick out the disinformation from the truth. Even though that could likely be inferred from Obama's statement, it's just vague enough for conservatives to create, guess what, disinformation.

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