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Monday, May 10, 2010

Creating The Narrative

And so it begins.

Limbaugh just can't wait to get his greasy fingers even dirtier when it comes to issues like this.

Here's something that I have to ask again - why do conservatives continually claim that those with a higher education are actually "elitist radicals"? I remember growing up in a very conservative home and being told that higher education is important. My aunt has a masters in Education and taught in public schools for nearly 40 years and she's not seen as a "elitist radical" in her community - just the opposite actually.

And Beck seems to be ready to mount his horse named "conspiracy".

I can remember writing papers in college on subject I don't actively endorse. They may have been interesting, they may have helped provide insight into other areas of my life, but when I wrote about something like Communism or the horrible tactics of Pol Pot, I wasn't advocating what they were doing.

Part of writing from an intellectually honest perspective is attempting to see the subject matter from a neutral standpoint - you have to separate yourself from your own ideals while taking on subjects of such weight. When Bret Easton Ellis wrote American Psycho, was he issuing a call to action for yuppies to become serial killers? This seems to be the point of view that Beck is taking on.

Also, considering conservatives utter disdain and contempt for context, I would really like to read Kagan's entire thesis in order to get the full picture. Simply reading two excerpts and then putting your own particular spin on it doesn't provide context.

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I was going for the Pol Pot reference and how even people with glasses got sent to the killing fields but you beat me to it. Rush is a joke. Fox is a joke. Beck is a joke. And one doesn't need an education to see that.

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