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Monday, June 28, 2010

Will-fully Ignorant

It's just a continuation of a conservative meme that has been out for a while, it's just been repackaged to sound credible.

Spoken like a person that has never been on unemployment.

Dependant on your needs, or that of your family, the reality of unemployment benefits is that they are not equivalent to the wages you would earn on the job - they are based on your current salary and hours worked each week. Often times, and far too often from my perspective, employers can deny unemployment benefits for a variety of reasons and cannot be challenged by the employee. This, however, can vary from state to state.

The larger point of this is that unemployment benefits more often than not do not cover all expenses that a required. Try paying your mortgage, getting groceries, putting gas in your car, and keeping up with the bills on an unemployment check. If anything, the unemployment check that you get each week would be a great incentive for finding a full-time job that pays a living wage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that conservative either don't understand economics or just really really hate poor people.

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