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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Are Faith And Logic Equal

Once again, we see Elizabeth Hasselbeck get her panties in a bunch on that TV box.

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I have to ask myself this question, considering the fact that religion is based solely on belief rather than fact - can you be a bigot for saying that you aren't "thinking" when you are praying?

Granted, it's not the best way to approach a woman like Hasselbeck, but it still holds true - that devout Christians don't think before they pray as it's a reflexive response to a variety of issues they face.

To answer the question more directly, "faith" and "logic" are not one in the same, as "faith" largely relies on surrendering yourself to the unknown while "logic" requires that you approach any given subject from the stance of recordable evidence. To that end, Joy was correct in her statement to Hasselbeck - even though she was favoring the brash approach rather than the one that would really take Elizabeth to the woodshed.

Religion faith and scientific reasoning will always be mutually exclusive, no matter how much conservative whining there is on television.

So what of Hasselbeck calling Behar a bigot? Oh, Liz, your memory is so short.

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