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Monday, August 30, 2010

Multi-Layered Candidates

Well, not so much multi-layered as all edging more to the fringe. This time, it's the real-life stand-in for the Walrus from the Alice In Wonderland film.

“[I]t is a very great honor that anybody would even think of asking. I’m obviously not a politician. I’ve never run for any federal elective office at all and, you know, it is something that would obviously require a great deal of effort,” he said. “What I do think, though, and what concerns me, is the lack of focus generally in the national debate about national security issues. Now, I understand the economy is in a ditch and people are concerned about it, but our adversaries overseas are not going to wait for us to get our economic house in order.”

When pressed as to whether that means he would consider a run, Bolton seemed to suggest that he might do it, at the very least to help put national security issues at the top of the debate agenda.

“In the sense that I want to make sure that not only in the Republican Party, but in the body politic as a whole, people are aware of threats that remain to the United States. You know, as somebody who writes op-eds and appears on the television, I appreciate as well as anybody that…there is a limit to what that accomplishes,” he said. “Whereas, some governor from some state in the middle of the country announces for president they get enormous coverage even if their views are utterly uninformed on major issues.”

When pressed a third time about running, he said that while “he is not going to do anything foolish,” he added, “you know, I see how the media works…you have to take that into account.”

I can only ponder who all would be the oysters in that story if this all came to pass.

Conservatives continue to digitally wet themselves whenever a far-right conservative is even offered-up as a potential Presidential candidate. From Palin, Chris Christie, on down to even Glenn Beck, Republicans really don't have anyone that is a clear cut or even viable choice in 2012. Well, maybe Romney or even - God forbid ( pun fully intended ) Mike Huckabee; and those two would likely be relegated to the "they aren't conservative enough" category come primary time.

Having seen how conservatives have reacted to quite literally everything Barack Obama and his administration have done, one can but reflect on what exactly what would happen if a conservative Republican controlled the White House and Congress. Anyone recall how that all worked out?

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