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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Constitutionally Fetishistic

In which we find Michelle Bachman continuing to pass off herself as knowledgeable.

There was an interesting segment on NPR recently where the question was posed to a guest on All Things Considered if members of the Tea Parties and conservatives in office were using the specter of The Constitution to create a false sense of importance to their issues. The answer given was that people often see a person referencing The Constitution, no matter what the argument at hand, to be more attuned to the intricacies of the founding document even though specifics and analysis may not be given. Bachman, and all those like her, are banking on this perception to work for them come election time.

This is precisely like name-dropping. The more important you sound, the more likely that those whom are easily lead will agree with you. This doesn't speak well of those that identify with Michelle Bachman.

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