If you haven't yet, check out The Sanity Project. It's a fantastic blog about religion, those that practice it, and those that use it to bend reality and legislate from the pulpit.
Recently, Josh ( the proprietor of a fine section of the interwebs ) dove headfirst into the every gaping maw of the beast that is a "mega-church" and has put together a rather nice video montage. Take note of the Dennis Miller vibe - not the smarmy lapdog of conservatives that cradles Bill O'Reilly's rubbery nut-sack twice a week, but the Miller from the late 90s that was still entertaining.
The "mega-church" isn't just reserved for larger metropolitan areas, there's one ( of sorts ) in the smaller Kentucky community that I live in. They also own a small playground/pizza parlor that is adjacent to the building and host a literal carnival twice a year, complete with deep fried twinkies and everything. They even have their services televised on local access - you know, that evil "socialist" television program where taxpayer money is used to beam neo-nazi messages to our children.
The theatrical presentation that modern Christians use does tend to make the "message" so watered down with gimmicks and trickery that any meaning that was intended to be contained within is lost amongst images of teens kicking heroine with prayer set to a Top 40 rock soundtrack.
Truth-be-told, I was "saved" when I was 9. I grew up in a very conservative family. We farmed, raised cattle, and were seated near the "amen pew" twice a week. We didn't stay up past 8pm and never once watched a rated R film or listened to that heathen rock music. Well, that's what my mother wanted, even though I took every opportunity to imbibe in "worldly" goodness whenever I could.
And even though after a lot of growing up, a lot of research, and a great deal of reflection, I'm in the position where I'm thinking that there really isn't a "God" as defined by traditional religious dogma. I have to say that I can fully appreciate where people that attend church are coming from. Like Josh stated, we are all just looking for answers, but it's easy for the confused and easily led to get caught up in the trappings of sentimental song lyrics, flashy graphics, and marketing that is the modern mega-church phenomenon.
A Blog Version Of The Inside Of My Head. The place where politics, film, the media, music, pop culture, and random topics collide in an orgy of neo-philisophical randomness that would make your mother scream.
Monday, March 8, 2010
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1 comment:
Thanks for the repost, man! My Quest contact has been beckoning me to come back for a second visit (the church is doing a sermon series based on the TV show Lost and he knows I'm a big fan). We'll see. Perhaps there's more fun on the way. ;)
I've been meaning to post something on the killer whale issue, but haven't gotten around to it.
Thanks again for the glowing words. Much appreciated.
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