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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Legacy Of Special Effects

When the "effects test" trailer came out for this over a year ago, I was REALLY hyped about this.

Now, I'm a little concerned with this.

The first thing that popped into my head was, "I waited since 1983 for a new Star Wars film and we got 'The Phantom Menace'!?!?!?!? What the fuck are you people doing?"

Are we about to be given a fantastic trailer for a lame film? I'm guessing that this isn't the case, as the director and producer of the latest Tron epic would likely have learned what it's like to offer up the latest installment of a classic film from our childhood. However, am I the only one getting a much more different vibe from the initial trailer ( albeit nothing more than a screen-test ) and the "official" trailer?

I suppose it's to be expected. There has to be a storyline that bridges the first film to the next. There has to be the ubiquitous "hot chicks" in the trailer to get the teen demographic amped-up and ready to descend on the theatres come December - yeah, December. But far too often, the trailers don't live up to the films. And this isn't always a bad thing, but it's most certainly not a good thing.

More often that not, trailers are "farmed out" to other studios to make a film look greater than it actually is. However, since we are talking about a classic film that set the bar for effects and story, I'm hoping ( not knowing for certain, mind you ) that Disney and the producers had enough forethought to realize that they aren't just working on a film, but a piece of history.

That being said, the effects look fucking incredible. I'm just hoping that they don't take the Micheal Bay path and favor style over substance.

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