Reagan deification is nothing new within the conservative realm - they've been doing their level best to revise his well recorded history for years. But somehow, conservatives are claiming that we should miss Reagan more, that we should look to him as the true champion of hope and change.
Yeah, about his hope and change.....
We were simultaneously funding both sides of the Iran/Iraq war, selling weapons to terrorists, and when the Marine barracks was bombed in Beirut, Reagan didn't run in like his cowboy persona - he got the fuck out of there. He more than tripled the national debt and practically sat on his hands while AIDS was just starting to tear through America. And conservatives miss this?
At least he got all those awful pot smokers thrown in jail! [/sarcasm]
He was evil. I wish I believed in Hell so I could imagine him there.
I always call him "St. Ronnie of the Rayguns," for the way conservatoids fawn over his memory. I remember very well watching the election returns in November 1980 and when he won, saying "this country is entering a long dark night," and who knows how it will all come out.l
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