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Monday, March 8, 2010

DeLay'd Reasoning

So is Tom DeLay coming out with a new book or something? I'm still trying to figure out why CNN even interviewed him for this. Was it to showcase that prominent, former Congressional Republicans are all equally as ignorant as Jim Bunning?

My first reaction, aside from wondering how Democrats could "just pay for it" in any fashion that would please DeLay, was how he could claim that people are unemployed because they "want" to be unemployed. Also, citing some obscure, unnameable, study - which was more than likely pulled directly from his ass - only serves to distract from the point at hand and provide covering fire should the question be pressed.

But I think what Tom DeLay is ultimately saying is that people are just too fucking lazy to get up and take a job at McDonalds so they can have some income. It's a rather easy statement to at least infer, considering that DeLay, and many like him, have never been in the position of "needing" unemployment benefits. It's not a matter of just going out and finding the first thing that comes along, as jobs like that won't always cover the necessities in life. How many career drive-thru attendants at Arby's do you know anyway?

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