With my sincere apologies to Joy Division for hinting at a line from one of their classics in order to illustrate how some on the Right are clawing at each other over Palin's endorsement of McCain, it should be pointed out that this was coming and these people should have seen it.
So much for intellectual honesty and actually holding your supposed political icons accountable.
I'll preface this piece with the fact that I read HotAir almost every day. Not for any form of intellectual stimulation or notion that I will find something of intrinsic value within the bandwidth that they consume, but because it's a pretty good window into how the modern conservative views the socio-political landscape - through the can't angles and fish-eye lenses of Malkin worshiping prattle heads.
Ancillary characters CK Macleod and MadisonConservative are taking what appear to be opposing points of view in light of Caribou Barbie's endorsement of John McCain against lunatic-fringe, birther, J.D. Hayworth.
A side note, anyone notice that he looks a lot like this guy?
The posts themselves aren't what is so fascinating about the debate within the conservative movement in regards to Palin choosing McCain over Hayworth. After all, if Palin was seen cavorting with anyone other than McCain, much less a completely unhinged, vacant-eyed, birther like Hayworth, she would loose enough political capital that it would likely damage not only her future aspirations for office - if there are any - as well as her standing as a Fox"News" pundit.
And while some would argue that the later would more than likely remain the same, I would have to agree. After all, Fox will do anything to make Sarah happy and her image spotless.
To really get a sense of where people that post on HotAir are coming from when it comes to McCain, they primarily see the man the way Michelle Malkin does - laud his service to the country just enough so that you don't come off as some anti-military hack and then completely trash him on everything else. But what both sides of the argument are missing is that fact that they have no real grasp of who Palin is.
She's not the strong conservative that many claim her to be and she most certainly isn't backing McCain because she completely disagrees with Hayworth. Anyone remember her old "palling around with terrorists" talking point from 08? That's pure Tea Bagger if there ever was one. And while it is true that she likely feels a sense of obligation to supplicate the man that catapulted her to stardom, is it really McCain that's getting played here or is it Palin? I'm not going to say that McCain is above using Palin's gimmicky nature a second time around - because he almost has to to even be seen as valid within his party now - but one would think that conservatives would be able to see past that now. Once you know that plot of the film, it kind of gets boring. But look who we're talking about.
In the end, people like Rush Limbaugh will come to her defense ( as was discussed in the comments section ) and Palin will be seen as some avenging angel come to aid the conservative movement while the reality of it all is that their ideology is literally tearing them apart.
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