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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Come To This

It's starting to get ugly. But we knew this was coming.

No one was inside when the brick was hurled through the Democratic Patry Headquarters on University Avenue. Attached was a note quoting conservative Barry Goldwater: “Exremism [sic] in defense of liberty is no vice”. [...]

[Rep. Louise] Slaughter has been at the center of the push for reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office. “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes.”

The FBI is now investigating.

The death threat business was almost expected, but threatening a child is just beyond the pale. What happened to conservatives compassion for kids? Well, I suppose that only applies to their OWN children.

And now there's this:

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And John Cole has it right on as always.

The next plan for these clowns is to march on Washington on 19 April (the anniversary of Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing) with their guns to… well, you know why they are doing it, because you have a working brain. No doubt, however, it is time for another thought piece at Reason on the myth of right wing violence (prefaced, as always with “Other than Oklahoma city, the abortion murders, the Atlanta Olympics… what have the Romans done for us?”). Because remember- it is just a coincidence that gun nuts, militia movements, and angry mobs are on the rise. It has nothing to do with the fact that Clinton Obama is President and Republicans are whipping people into a froth on a daily basis.

I mean, what can wrong, right. Angry, right-wing, nutjobs ( with guns this time ) that aren't distancing themselves from threats to kill children. The exponentially increasing insanity amongst conservatives is literally going to get someone killed. Regardless of your political affiliation, no one needs to get murdered over any of this.

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