This interview is a perfect example of why Obama hasn't gone on Fox"News" more since he became President.
*sorry for the poor video quality, as I can't get the Fox"News" video to embed*
Baier was doing his best to get in as many conservative talking points disguised as questions and really didn't let Obama give as precise and answer as he wanted. At one point, this all felt like a "Do you still beat your wife?" sit-down.
Naturally, conservatives are calling this a magnificent failure on Obama's part, but they are largely ignoring the complexity of healthcare reform and all that goes into making it a reality. And that's exactly why Obama was answering the way he was.
For over a year now, conservatives have been demanding that Obama meet their standards for giving an answer to their too oft moronic assertions. And they never let him answer - and Baier followed that tradition quite well. The interview was as predictable as you could get as far as that aspect is concerned.
Obama wanted to explain things a thoroughly as he could. All Baier wanted to do was try and paint him into a corner by throwing out as many idiotic conservative talking points as he could as quickly as possible and muddy the discussion to the point where it would play well for Fox"News" shows like Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly and give Limbaugh some fodder for his next show.
Ultimately, Obama handled it fairly well. It's just too bad that he wasn't able to give a complete answer. This was nothing like the Baier/Bush interview where he just sat back and let his buddy "W" drone on and on without challenge.
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1 comment:
the real failure of this interview was the wasted time spent on tiger woods...that clearly was time that could have been spent on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE issue, amirite?
how are you going to interrupt the president? like this is hannity or something...real classy...
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