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Monday, March 8, 2010

Educational Misinformation

I'm guessing that on most weekends Beck finds himself in the fetal position on the bathroom floor praying for the Ambien to kick in as he rocks himself back and forth murmuring - "pro-gress-ive".....

All the tangentical portions of this clip aside - and I could write all day long about how Beck's machinations regarding progressive causes is completely displaced from reality - you really get a sense of Beck's megalomania when he talks about the "privilege" of education.

I'm really trying to figure out if he means that one must be of a "privileged" class in order to have a proper education or if he means that when you are educated you become this person of "privilege". Coming from a person that allegedly champions the "rights" of people, I'm wondering why he is saying that education isn't one.

While education (not the teaching of bizzaro-world America that Beck lauds) is a right, and one can be seen as privileged to be in one particular institution versus another, the very thesis that Beck is pushing isn't all that new within the conservative realm. It's about how education can be tilted toward a "conservative" point of view.

You see, the ultimate iron of Beck's incessant blubbering is that he is actually advocating for indoctrination into a conservative mindset. All one has to do is watch his program and listen to his guests ( like "writer" Jonah Goldberg who's book Liberal Fascism was is the catalyst for almost 90% of Beck's anti-progressive tirades ) and you will begin to understand that Beck actively begs and pleads that children be indoctrinated with conservative ideology.

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