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Monday, March 29, 2010

Selective Editing

Conservatives are all abuzz today about Norman LaBoon.

And while they are right, that this guy is certifiable, they are ultimately framing this man and the narrative of his actions to somehow show that he's a left-wing extremist, they are missing the plot on this completely.

....LeBoon just so happens to be a Barack Obama donor. Somehow I doubt that’ll be part of any headlines.

There’s some confusion about whether the LeBoon in the videos is LeBoon “senior” or “junior” (or even whether a “Norman LeBoon Jr.” exists) and it’s not clear whether the “Norman LeBoon” of Philadelphia listed in the campaign finance disclosure database that JWF links is the same one charged by the FBI. But point about the double standards taken.

In any case, this dude seems certifiably loony and dangerous — no matter which political candidates he may or may not have supported. Glad the FBI took it seriously. Period.

Nice one Malkin, accuse him of being an Obama supporter and then follow it up by stating that it may be someone else with the same name. Typical.

Here's the part that they can't admit, as it completely blows there thesis out of the water. LeBoon made threats against Obama too.

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