And when asked about Joe "The Former Gimmick That Somehow Still Gets Press" Wurzelbacher, she said what many of us have been saying from the beginning:
Joe the Plumber — you can quote me — is a dumbass. He should stick to plumbing
And when Joe's reaction to the gay lifestyle was reported ( did it really have to be? We all knew what he was going to say ) it wasn't exactly a bombshell scoop worthy of front-page attention.
It bears repeating - I almost like Meghan McCain. Her stance regarding what has been and what continues to hold back the Republican party are not simply honest, but relevant. After all, the modern GOP - as fractured and meandering as they are - are stuck in this mindset that it should always be the 1950s. However, Meghan doesn't come off as the strong voice that she desires to be simply because of who her father is. No one, well maybe a few people are, is saying that she needs to completely distance herself from her father in order for her words to have more validity. But, being the daughter of John McCain is quite a load to bear.
Meghan McCain is the best politician In the republican party right now.
If they wish to survive the next 4-8 yrs., they need to heed her warnings.
They are already irrelevant, she is shining light on a path that separates the social conservatives from the fiscal conservatives... Exactly what needs to happen if they ever intend to sway enough independents to get out of the regional party that they've become.
Let's not canonize her just yet. Although she does have some interesting viewpoints, is young, attractive, and is able to connect with some of the other "left-leaning" Republicans in the party this doesn't mean that she is the party's savior.
No, not the party's saviour..... Just the best they got!
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