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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is Fox"News" Defending Underage Porn?

I had almost forgotten that Carrie Prejean had someone write a book for her that she put her name on. But I was reminded during last night's Hannity where Sean took an active roll in defending the "sex tape" of the former Miss California and let Prejean recite her scripted apology/explaination.

*click image to play video*

There's an element to this that seems to run completely counter to what Fox"News" claims. Sean is defending underage pornography. There's no other way to look at this, as Carrie openly admitted that she was under 18 when the tape was made.

This morning on Fox&Friends, Steve Doocy sat with Prejean while she rattled off the same talking-points she delivered on Hannity's program the night before.

Why is this not troubling to conservatives? Because of who Carrie Prejean is, because she's the "gimmick", the "pretty girl". They are ignoring what this is because Carrie delivers the message and is willing to be their tool.

I wonder what those at the Values Voter Summit have to think about Ms. Prejeans film debut and Fox's apparent uncaring stance towards it?

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