Scooting around Hawaii last week, President Obama broke one more historic barrier by setting a new benchmark for the limits of presidential casual wear.
He was wearing flip-flops.
Historians agreed it was the first time they could remember seeing the leader of the free world snapped in a public setting, wearing nothing more than a flimsy strip of rubber on his feet.
While Ronald Reagan was famously snapped strutting on his way to Camp David in his cowboy boots and John F. Kennedy was no stranger to sailing in his deck shoes, the picture of Obama tooling around an ice-cream shop with his toes on full display seems be a first for the presidency.

Holy Shit!!! You can actually see a black man's toes!!!!
Now while I will freely admit that there have been some pointless jabs at modern conservative politicos like Sarah Palin, but doesn't it tell you something about the state of widely circulated conservative media ( and the upper tier reactionary bloggers that repeat it ) that think this is "newsworthy"?
This does, however, continue the easily debunked and laughably ignorant claims that all Obama does is go on "vacation". While Bush spent the majority of his time in actually "recreational" settings prior to this country being confronted with the worst domestic attack since Pearl Harbor, conservatives have gone full tilt in doing any and everything they could - including bending the very rules of reality - to insist that Obama has spent little to no time acting as President.
Their laughably sophomoric antics have, in recent months, been no better than this.
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