Anyone recall how often you hear an "anchor" on Fox"News" ask a guest to answer what is truly a complex question on a heavily nuanced issue to answer with a "yes" or "no"? O'Reilly and Hannity do this just about every night. The remainder of the conservative line-up is really no different, but those two are champs at it.
The modern conservative movement - and much of their libertarian allies - feel that all issues can be reconciled in the simple ways with absolutely no consequences to them or any of their fellow Americans. That is, of course, taking into consideration that they think anyone outside their skewed view of the country are "fellows".
This holds no less true for how many reactionary conservatives view proposed legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
That's right, 2 pages titled with a fringe conservative talking-point that does nothing within it's limited text to replace it with anything, keep anything that conservatives had agreed with prior to Obama taking office, nor one ounce of legislative language that would prevent problems within the healthcare industry from escalating.
In total, this is just a Tea Baggers way of stomping their feet and throwing a tantrum in front of everyone without worrying about how they are going to be viewed later on.
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