Considering the abject failure that Newt's "shutdown" was during Clinton's first term, why would they even be considering it as a possible "positive" for conservative gains in terms of the legislative process they claim to be championing?
You'll notice that Perino is still in her "press secretary" mode for the conservative movement, as she punctuated her statements by saying any form of shut-down would have to be addressed from a "communications" standpoint.
There wasn't a Fox"News" during the bulk of the Clinton administration, and Bill would likely have had a more difficult time seeking a second term had the conservative noise machine had the platform it does now. In that respect, Perino is likely speaking from a more accurate perspective, as the modern conservative movement is going to see a potential governmental shutdown quite differently than they did 15 years ago.
But what liberals/progressives know is that even though the conservative message is louder and will be heard by more this time around, the realities and consequences behind any shutdown will largely remain the same as they were back then.
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1 comment:
Perino is the devil. There is a special room in HELL reserved for her because she knows EXACTLY what she is doing and that everything she is saying is total and utter bullshit. She loves the attention of the camera. If FOX wasn't around she would have invented something similar because it's all about HER. I truly hate this woman.
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