Having had someone close to me be faced with the choice - and yes, it is a choice - of abortion or having her life or the life of her unborn child be put at risk, I find the continued drumbeat of Fox"News" and the Modern American Right that anyone of opposing political alignment is purely a "pro-abortion" party to be simply ridiculous.
But, they seem to have their hooks in their easily lead droogies, so why should they give it up?
What Fox and the Right are missing is the fact that the platform of "choice" is not about a woman sitting around at her house going "jeez, if only I could get pregnant just so I could have an abortion". Nor is their insistence that Planned Parenthood is nothing more than an "abortion mill" even remotely accurate.
The choice that a woman makes is hers, not that of an alleged "law-maker" that doesn't even know her or her situation. The choice of a woman is not taken lightly, as they would have you believe. The choice of a woman is all to often that of life and death - and not in the fashion that the Right would have many of us believe.
This, more than anything, is about control and regulation of the reproductive system of women all across America - regardless of what is written on their voter registration card. Sadly, the Modern American Right still view women as second class citizens, no matter how many times they shove Sarah Palin in our faces.
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