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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Joe Knows Talking Points

Joe Scarborough will believe anything that will make him favorable, albeit momentarily, with both parties.

Since Dick Cheney is getting so much face-time now, he's going to play with the conservative base and run with the "Obama has made the coutnry less safe" meme.

Here's why you can't rely on what Dick Cheney or Joe Scarborough have to say about the "safety" of America. They have no proof that what they did or what Barack Obama's administration is doing has made the country any less or any more safe. They cite these mysteriously vague statistical percentages that simply don't match up with the data that is readily available.

The main thesis statement of the Bush administration is that America was safer because they "tortured", because of the "Patriot Act", rendition, removing habeas corpus, and more importantly because they said so. They expected us to believe them and no question, for one second, that what they were postulating just might not be true.

Dick Cheney isn't going to go away, and he certainly isn't going to change his mind about what he and George W. Bush have done to this country. We can uncover all the evidence that is out there that proves their tactics did more to damage the credibility of America, as well as not improve national security, and he will still say that he was right.

And as long as Dick says it, Joe will parrot it back.

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