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Thursday, March 26, 2009

REGULATORS!!!!! Mount Up

Not sure if I would attribute that title to Warren G and Nate Dogg or The Young Guns movie.

Let's just get to the story, and then you'll know what I mean by my title.

House Republicans are pressing for a change in federal law that could force Michelle Obama and future first ladies to do more of their policy work in public. But Democrats warn President Obama may take the attempt personally “as an attack on his wife.”

The GOP effort is being led by the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), whose initial salvo was rebuffed recently at a contentious committee markup session. Under Issa’s amendment, any government policy group that Mrs. Obama or another first spouse regularly participates in would be subject to a law requiring meetings to be announced in advance and, in most instances, public.

More from Ben Smith @ Politico

That's right, no oversight for banks, for companies like AIG, or reform of the health-care industry. Republicans want to have control over Michelle Obama.

Yes, I know they are claiming that this is not about her, but who do they think they are fooling?

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