PITTSBURGH -- Cindy McCain's jab to her husband's back came a second too late Tuesday to keep him from making a wisecrack about the health impact of Iran's main import from the United States: cigarettes.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain was asked about an Associated Press report that $158 million in cigarettes have been shipped to Iran during George W. Bush's presidency despite restrictions on U.S. exports to that country.
"Maybe that's a way of killing them," McCain told reporters, smiling as he waited for a cheesesteak sandwich at the Primanti Brothers restaurant. His wife, sitting next to him at the counter, poked his back without looking up.
Read more @ Political Currents
So, is this a strategy for the teenage Iranians, or just a blanket "let's give 'em all cancer" type thing?
Come on, a joke?
Of all the pathetic claims to fall back on. Please.

Here we see the embarassed, exceedingly nervous, sleep deprived, sugar-mama and her "can I push the big red button now" husband.
Oh, in case you don't get the 2nd title, here's your answer.
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