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Monday, June 1, 2009

Romney Takes The Hannity Approach

Mitt Romney's speech to the Heritage Foundation just may well be a signifier that he intends to run again in 2012:

I take issue with President Obama's recent tour of apology. It's not because America hasn't made mistakes -- we have -- but because America's mistakes are overwhelmed by what America has meant to the hopes and aspirations of people throughout the world.

The President also claimed on Arabic TV that America has dictated to other nations. No, America has sacrificed to free other nations from dictators.

This line of thinking is completely in line with what Sean Hannity does on any given night.

Although Romney mentions that America has made mistakes, he completely glosses over that very real fact with vague generalizations about the vast amount of wonderful things that America means to the rest of the world.

What are those things?

Surely Mitt would mention that we bring "freedom" and "hope", but I would dare say that any Iraqi who may be asked what America means to him/her that their response wouldn't please Mitt at all.

But, such is the mind of the rabidly ill-informed conservative Republican. Especially one that appears intent on gaining the Republican nomination for President in 2012.

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