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Monday, June 8, 2009

Did Erick Erickson Just Do What I Think He Did?

Yes, he just compared Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dick Cheney, "and others"(?) to Jesus.

No, not "Reagan Jesus", I'm talking about the Jesus who allegedly said, in Mark 14:30:

Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.

Please, hold your lunch down for just a bit longer.

There are those who like it when we feel guilty for associating with someone. More troubling, in the conservative movement and in the greater right-of-center coalition, there are many, many fellow traveller who would rather spend their time throwing their own under the bus than fighting the left.

Their typical means of ostracism is to condemn the rest of us for daring to say nice things about them. Reasons abound for this. Many of these weak minded fools are not really fellow travelers. Like a vulture flying in flock with swans, they benefit from the work the rest of us are doing to gain themselves credibility. The media plays along calling the vultures swans so others, they hope, see ugly ducklings around the vultures instead of swans.

Some mean well. Unfortunately, their high mindedness fractures and divides the rest.

The incidents of late with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dick Cheney, and others is why I raise this. Putting it bluntly, were these guys on the left, their fellow leftists would at best be cheering them on and at worst silently nodding along. There wouldn’t be any on that side rushing to the nearest microphone to condemn them.

Aside from the very blasphemous nature of Erickson's piece, should you believe in Jesus and every word in the bible, one has to marvel at the rationale that he is using for standing side by side with people like Levin, Cheney, and Limbaugh.

Certainly, though he and many like him will claim that progressives and liberals pointing out the rank hypocrisy, inherent racism, and willful-ignorance within their parties leaders are just "afraid" of these leader, it is clear that if anyone is afraid it is Erickson.

This fear, and it has been well recorded over the past few months, comes from the very real aspect of the GOP losing more and more ground with each and every moment that they attempt to go against any and everything said by one radio show host. And, we all know who that is:

Of course, Erickson attempts to validate why his will seems to be overtly eager to bend when people like Limbaugh, Levin, Cheney ( and probably Hannity, Boortz, and Beck as well ) come calling by stating that progressive, liberal, Democrats "throw their own under the bus".

This is a point that conservative Repubicans don't seem to understand.

If you value progress in your community, it is important that, no matter whom you are talking about; what policy; what practice, that there is a critique - constructive criticism. This is something that the Right ( fringe or otherwise ) does not understand and will never accept.

( h/t to DarkBlack for the image )

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