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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Careful Shep, You Might Lose Your Job

Shepard Smith is probably the only Fox"News" personality that is likely to be removed from the network because of what he says. The "what" is more often than not the truth that Fox is willing to ignore and cover-up.

Tonight, he let the mask slip further than anyone ever has:

Apparently Shep hasn't visited the Fox"Nation" website since it started up.

Shepard Smith's moment of honesty aside, it should be pointed out that the museum shooter was a white-supremist that was given a platform on a well-known right-wing website ( Free Republic ) and is of the "birther" mentality - meaning that he doesn't believe that Obama was born in the United States. Guess who else is off that same stripe....

Is this to say that Limbaugh is of the mindset to go off and start shooting people? Absolutely not. His area of expertise is in radicalizing people like James von Brunn.

But, back to Shepard Smith - the more that he talks about the fringe emails that he gets, the more that he gives voice to that which his network has denied with fierce intensity, the more likely that there won't be a Shepard Smith on Fox"News" for very long.

1 comment:

Dr. Zaius said...

This new conservative faction appears to be based on fiction...

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